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Merchants and their Stores


Emblematic stores selling Compostelan Silversmithing

Found in historical buildings next to the Cathedral and iconic streets like Platerías, Azabachería, Rúa Nova and Rúa Villar, these local shops have played a crucial role in the marketing and survival of Compostelan silversmithing.

Some stores are old workshops while others are more modern alternatives. They all value the products and jewelry of traditional masters, while offering new designers the chance to showcase their work.

Despite the sector being overwhelmed with cheaply manufactured, low-quality industrial copies, they vigorously defend the Authentic Ancestral Silversmithing from Santiago de Compostela and fight tooth and nail for its recognition. Their job is to teach the public how to identify, appreciate and differentiate authentic Compostelan creations.

The Ourives de Compostela brand

Ourives de Compostela aims to be a distinctive brand that helps retailers preserve our history and allows customers to buy authentic products safely (instead of fake copies or low-quality imported products).

Las tiendas de Ourives de Compostela se encargan de mostrar a sus clientes la producción tan exquisita y a la vez variada de los orfebres de Compostela, a la vez que los instruyen para que puedan apreciar la platería local y las técnicas tradicionales, y distinguir el azabache, tan característico de las piezas de Compostela.

Authorized Ourives de Compostela retailers serve as a guarantee, meaning customers can be sure they are buying authentic pieces, created locally, and using first rate materials and techniques.

Walk around the streets of Compostela and fall under their spell

En ellas podrás ver, enamorarte y comprar piezas de Ourives de Compostela.
Cada una de ellas cuenta una historia única y lleva consigo la esencia de la ciudad.

Discover them in your next stroll!

(Desliza hacia la izquierda para ver todas las imágenes o pincha sobre ellas para verlas a tamaño completo)

Where to shop

(Swipe left to see all stores)